World's largest producer of 100% natural PAS fertilisers
Agriculture's game-changing differentiator
Sustainable intensification
Balancing profit, people and planet
Food Security
Increased yields
Reduce GHG emissions
1 Tonne of Agrisilica® can capture up to an additional 9 Tonnes of Carbon
Improve food safety
Reducing heavy metals uptake
Reduce crop stress losses
Boosting natural resiliences
Increase profitability
More crop to market
Crop quality
Better appearance, better shelf life
Proven results
Safe, efficacious, sustainable
Healthier soils
Less water usage

The most significant change
to fertilisers in over 90 years

Increasing crop yield, quality & productivity. Increasing NPK uptake. Reducing nutrient run-off and leaching. Improving soil health and soil carbon. Increasing crop resilience against biotic and abiotic stress. Reducing greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions (CO₂, N₂O & CH₄).

One fertiliser can make a difference.

Agriculture’s challenge is to lessen its impact on the environment, while producing more food than ever before. This means every plot and every crop needs to unlock its full potential in a way that’s environmentally responsible, financially viable, and powerfully differentiated.

Agrisilica® has been proven to consistently improve crop yield and quality. NPK/DAP fertilisers, when Powered by Agrisilica®, deliver measurably improved economic results to NPK/DAP customers, presenting a unique opportunity for producers to add value to their blends, and differentiate their brand in a competitive market.

Agrisilica® is a natural silicon fertiliser. It is contaminate-free, 100% safe for ecosystems (land, water, air), and emissions-free. It increases carbon sequestration and soil carbon and is the leading co-blend choice for fertiliser producers looking to deliver on significantly improved productivity and environmental stewardship for their customers.

Agrisilica® increases Nutrient Use Efficiency & boosts the uptake of other fertilisers

Agrisilica NUE

Agrisilica® improves Water Use Efficiency

Agrisilica WUE

Agriculture's 6 key challenges

Agriculture's key challenges - Food security
Agriculture's key challenges - Crop losses
Agriculture's key challenges
Agriculture's key challenges - Heavy metals
Agriculture's key challenges - Soil health
Agriculture's key challenges - Environmental degradation

Agrisilica® has solutions

Future Smart Farming

Agrisilica® makes it happen

Sustainable Intensified Production

Agrisilica® makes it better

Agrisilica® | Proven, Productive and Profitable

To enquire about bulk supply for co-blending or distribution, email Agripower or phone +61 2 9251 8884.

Agrisilica® supports the UN’s SDGs.
Sustainable development goals